Why register as a user of the FOI Canadian Library?

Note: Non registered users will have site and search access only. 

  1. Free access to FOI documents from across Canada, build your case faster, find what has already been found. Right here.
  2. As a registered user or legal professional you will have your own user ID and password.
  3. Enter as many already in process, filed and sumbitted Freedom of Information Requests into the Canadian Library as you like. 
  4. Your FOI requests will all be accessable to view/edit and update through your user ID and password.
  5. The Folder/Files associated with each FOI request are dropboxed into our secure Nation Wide database. 
  6. Registered and vetted users can request National Library Database access to “any” FOI stored original documents.
  7. This is a collaborative tool protected from the digital control grid. (more information available on request)
Privacy Statement: All registered users and FOI personal privacy data is protected and not made public. 

Register below. Join the team, get the benefits!

FOI CAN LBRY - User Registration
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Enter Password; use any of these - lower/upper case, number, symbol (min 8 characters)
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This website will be displayed in your profile information.
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